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236 W 9th Street
Chico, CA 95928
Size2812 Sq Ft ($160.03/ Sq Ft)
Year Built1999
Listing TypeCommercial Sale
Property TypeRetail
MLS Listing IDSN24098404
Published Date5/23/2024 107 days ago
Listing Modified8/15/2024 2:15:00 PM 23 days ago
Opportunity to own two commercial buildings on one parcel on the highly visible corner of W 9th & Salem. Established business is not for sale but has been a long term Tenant.  Corner building (244 W 9th) is reconfigured to a recording studio and design workspace.   Building has an ADA ramp in the rear, a charming front porch and is estimated to be 1204 sqft. Retail building (236 W 9th St) is 2 stories, estimated at 1608 sqft, with the ground floor operating as a retail storefront and Tenant uses the upstairs as administrative office space.  Both buildings have metal roofs and share rear parking.
Corner of W 9th & Salem
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