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568 Manzanita Avenue
Chico, CA 95926
Size7828 Sq Ft ($118.17/ Sq Ft)
Year Built1985
Listing TypeCommercial Sale
Property TypeOffice
MLS Listing IDSN24145478
Published Date7/15/2024 54 days ago
Listing Modified8/27/2024 4:15:00 PM 11 days ago
This meticulously maintained office building has a great track record with little vacancy. Included are 9 units varying in size from 540 sq ft to 1420 sq ft. Tenants include salons, senior care administration office, a marketing company and more. All HVAC's have been professionally maintained and the roof was replaced in recent years. Located in Central Chico allows for easy access just off the Cohasset/Hwy 99 exit. There is ample parking with 32 parking spaces plus additional street parking and many of the units have been updated. This one is the ideal addition to your portfolio.
Cohasset Rd- East on Manzanita
Listing Status: Pending
Please Note:This listing was last updated on 8/27/2024. Please contact us for the availability of this property.
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