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1280 E 9th Street
Chico, CA 95928
Size4650 Sq Ft ($107.31/ Sq Ft)
Listing TypeCommercial Sale
Property TypeOffice
MLS Listing IDSN24195112
Published Date9/19/2024 33 days ago
Listing Modified9/19/2024 11:59:00 AM 33 days ago
Owner user or Investment opportunity in Chico! Located near the highway 99 access this five unit commercial complex has high traffic counts daily. Units have a wide range of sizes and can fit the needs of muiltple users. Each unit has it's own private restroom and private office(s) within. Whether you are a business looking to own it's own space or an affordable investment this is one to check out!
On 9th near the Freeway Entrance- Left side of the street.
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